About Us
The Tenorio Foundation was created in September of 2018 under The State of Wisconsin, United States. The nonprofit status (501c3) (EIN: 83-1859695) was awarded by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in September of 2018.
Our vision is to be a trusted partner and ally to the people of the Philippines.
Our current mission is to increase healthcare access and provide equitable healthcare delivery to the people of the Philippines.
We hope to expand our services to also provide auxiliary humanitarian services and opportunities such as: education opportunities (sponsor/ scholarships, seminars, trainings, and programs), mission trips around the Philippines, collaboration with other organizations for wage improvement or job creation, and projects to further improve the infrastructure of the Philippines.
Core Values
Our vision and mission are accomplished with our three core values:
Empowerment through Education
The Tenorio Foundation wants to empower the Filipino people. We want to do this by educating the people of the Philippines by providing educational materials, seminars, trainings, and other relevant programs/ modules relevant for better health and overall quality of life.
Aesthetic but Empathetic
We hope to not only look the part but also handle the foundation with the utmost finesse. The Tenorio Foundation boasts its aesthetic feel and the way it operates its activities; however, it never ceases its empathy and people-focused paradigm. The Foundation was founded on empathy and inspiration and will continue to carry this out with much gusto.
Philanthropically Grounded
Our operations will carefully analyze the cost-to-benefit ratio to maximize the benefits received whilst minimizing costs. The Tenorio Foundation prides itself on having magnanimous philanthropic ideas that are also grounded and ready for action.
Purpose and Objectives
To conduct affordable and free clinic activities to increase healthcare access and equity to the people of the Philippines and to those seeking medical attention.
To set up a facility(s) for healthcare delivery, operations, and trainings for continuing education.
To collaborate with government and non-government organizations (local, national, and international) to achieve the mission and fulfill the vision of the foundation.
To provide job opportunities such as creating projects within the foundation and to those the foundation collaborates and serves.
To create scholarships, grants, or other means of assistance to those who are in need but show tenacity toward educational opportunities.
To accept and receive contributions, such as donations or gifts, from public or private institutions for the purposes, operations, and future projects of the foundation.
To acquire, purchase, hold, sell, lease, realtor property necessary for the achievement of the mission and vision of the foundation.
To establish satellite facilities for increased operations throughout the Philippines.

Board of Directors
Founder/ Chair: Kevin Angelo Refuero Tenorio
Vice Chair: Joanne Omega Ortiz
Vice Chair: Ronel Tenorio Panaligan
Angelito Refuerzo Tenorio
Aubrey Rodrigo Almeida
Holland Raagas Refuerzo
Foundation Officers
Founder/ Executive Director: Kevin Angelo Refuerzo Tenorio
Director of Business Administration and Development: Joanne Omega Ortiz
Information Technology Specialist: Carlo Tenorio Villar
Director of Clinic Site Operations: Ermelinda Refuerzo
Treasurer: Angelito Refuerzo Tenorio
Secretary: Kim Chantal Refuerzo Evardone
Director of Public Relations: Elena Refuerzo Gisma

Organizational Hierarchy
Board of Directors
- Chair and Vice Chairs
Foundation Officers
Employed Positions
Volunteer/ Intern Positions